Saturday, 31 May 2014

May 20th, 2014 was a “Be a Millionaire Day” observed and celebrated worldwide. It’s a day for everyone to imagine and dream big about what life would be like, as a millionaire. I mean, the feeling is something bigger than exhilarating. It is even more so, if you are seeing a consistent 6-figure income online every Month. 

If you are not yet a millionaire, you may at some point have looked at a really wealthy person and wondered, “How did he or she get so lucky?” Actually, people were not born lucky and there are specific things anybody, anywhere can do to create his or her own “money-luck”.

There are 10 reasons I’ve observed Why Some People Have Better “Money Luck” Making Money Online and How You Can CREATE Your Own LUCK with my own childhood story:

As a kid, the word “millionaire” was a far cry. All we cared about was going to a good affordable school,  and having food on the table. but today, thanks to the internet…the word “millionaire” in my own house is as common as seeing pure water being hawked at your nearest motor park because I somehow, somewhere was led to create my own “money-luck” which I’ll reveal to you today.

But TRUTH be told…I do NOT believe in luck!

I believe in two things:
 (1) A man is either Blessed or Cursed!…And I’m blessed, thanks to being a born again child of God
 (2) I also believe in the quote by Samuel Goldwyne, which says “The Harder I work, The Luckier I get”, and so instead of envying the truly wealthy I was led to observe that being a millionaire or billionaire has absolutely nothing to do with luck but something else.

Want to know what that “something else” is?

I would reveal to you the 10 reasons I’ve observed Why Some People Have Better “Money Luck” Making Money Online and How You Can CREATE Your Own LUCK:

1. They focus on the PLAN, not the Goal. A few months ago, it was January 2014. We all set goals or made New Year resolutions, such as: make more money, get a better paying job, lose weight, build a successful business, raise a wonderful family, eat right, write a best-selling book and so on, but setting goals is where most people stop or focus on. Truly wealthy people make plans, they sit down and write out the steps, the systems they need to take or build to hit those goals.

For example:
- If you have a goal to make an extra income (about N250,000 monthly) using the internet, your plan to achieving that goal will look like something like this:

Plan #1: I would first of all believe making such an income is possible for me. The bible in Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”… Another quote by Henry Ford says “Whether you think you CAN, or you think you CAN’T–you’re Right.”
Your first plan would be to set your thinking process right, because whether you’ve tried and failed in your online business or made very little progress, what you think RIGHT NOW about it will determine if you would reach your goal or not.

Plan #2: To make a diligent research to find out people (about 1-3 of them) who have been successful in your goal of reaching N250,000 per month and find a way to befriend them to get advice….not pester them or suddenly become a beggar or complainer!
There is a 2-step way to befriend such people: (1) Join their email newsletters so you can begin receiving free tips on secrets to hitting your dream goal. (2) SECRET…I’ll reveal that to you in Plan #4 below…but for now, let’s continue with plan #3.

Plan #3: Even if you don’t have a laptop to begin an internet business or don’t even have a sizable amount of money to start up your internet business or you are currently working and do not have enough time, You shouldn't let that stop you from taking a step in the direction of your goal.
One of such steps you would take is to buy products that teach about achieving my goal.

Plan #4: After identifying such people, you would then find a way to get such persons to MENTOR or COACH you in your dream goal. And FASTEST Way to get a busy person to mentor or coach you is to BUY their best products especially one that contains Internet Wealth Secrets

Notice I said buy their BEST products on that your goal. It doesn’t matter if you have a laptop or not yet. What matters is getting your would-be mentor’s product so you can have their attention.  Subscribe to everything they do and produce on that goal.

Plan #5: Then take action towards your goals whether you have the tools or not. A typical example if I were a student or a worker with little or no time will be to carve out 2 -3 hrs straight on the weekends to DO something in the direction of my goal.

I just can’t help get very annoyed at some very “funny” questions I get (forgive my language but I’m angry right now just remembering it).
I get asked, “can I do the internet business with my phone?” For Obinna’s sake, what real business can one start and run with just a phone which would yield N250,000 monthly? Errr…"yahoo maybe"

Such people are darn LAZY! They can’t visit a cyber café, yet they want to make money online. Those are the people who will buy one product and later say it didn’t work and they were scammed. LAZY set of human beings who are not serious with their financial future!

The Internet Business is a BUSINESS! Treat it as one!

Go into it with ALL seriousness as though you were starting your own fashion Business!
Can you see how I focused on the various plans towards reaching my goal? That’s what you should do too.

For more clarity, let me explain it using other scenarios:
- If your goal is to write a book. Some of the plans you should focus on will be to create a writing schedule that you can follow each week.
- If you’re a runner and your goal is to run a marathon, your plan will be to create a training schedule for the month and stick to it.
- If you’re a coach and your goal is to win a championship, your plan will be to program how and what your team does at practice each day.
I hope you’ve gotten it now, so focus on your PLANS, not your goals because your goals may not change in a long while.

Let’s continue on “The Reason Why Some People Have Better Money Luck Than Others”

2. They take MASSIVE Action and Work Hard at their goals
Lucky people have a bias for trying things, even if they may fail. They create certainty by moving forward rather than sitting still. It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried and failed before in your internet business, the question you should ask yourself is: “Are there people who are making N250,000 per month and even more online?”, If yes, then YOU too can do it. All you need do is to find out how you can start afresh at an advantaged position.
Here’s another powerful quote by Henry Ford, “Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
So dear friend, let go of the past and focus on the present moments. Lucky people direct their efforts at what they can control right Here and right Now, not worrying as much about yesterday or tomorrow.

3. They believe in themselves:

  STOP! THINK! Do you believe in yourself?
Or are you waiting for your spouse, friends, parents or loved ones to believe in you first?

A common statement I’ve heard rephrased in different ways is “My friends are laughing at me. They say I’ve not made any money, am wasting my time”
Good. So what? You can’t stop the hawks and vultures from flying over your head, but YOU CAN stop them from building a nest on your head. Meaning you can’t control what others say or think about you, but YOU CAN control what you think about yourself.

If you think you can succeed in the internet business if just for the singular reason that others are succeeding in it and have one head like yours, then you are ONE step in the right direction.
Infact this just reminds me of a story I heard as a child about the Agama lizard and why it nods its head. Have you ever noticed that lizards move, then stop and then it nods its head several times?
Well I was told that the reason it does that it because, one day its great, great, great grandfather fell off a tall Iroko tree and landed on its feet without breaking its bones. Mr. Agama lizard looked around at its friends (the other animals) but they didn’t say anything, so it just “nodded its head in affirmation, and said “Ah ah, I try” , and ever since then lizards keep nodding their heads at their own achievements.

So if people close to you don’t applaud you, don’t encourage you…step aside and believe in yourself. Step aside and surround yourself with people who believe in you.
People with “Money-Luck” also get hurt by the setbacks and the failures as much as anyone but they keep going because they know that they’ll come out of it. They have this powerful belief that tough times pass and that if they persevere long enough, they’ll get through the failures.

This is such a long read, I’d have to stop here today and continue next week in Part 2

Before I Call It a Day:  If you are really serious about improving your money luck dramatically faster than you ever thought possible within the next 60 days, then you’ve got just a few days left to have your own copy of  “Internet Wealth Secrets Package”

Making at least N500,000 per month is NOT accidental or just luck. There are definite steps you need to take and I revealed all in the above powerful Internet Wealth Secrets package.

This Package is for you if you are sick and tired of being “told” how to make your business work online but NOT being SHOWN the secrets on how to make it work, worse still especially if you’re being told by “Quack Online Gurus”.

It is also FOR YOU if you are an Internet newbie but Very, VERY serious about building a profitable business online. This is a golden opportunity to be SHOWN a true shortcut from someone who doesn’t only talk the talk, but actually walks the walk.

Inside Internet Wealth Secrets Package, here’s a small sample of what you will discover:

• 10 mental and emotional positions that enable and empower your subconscious to most readily attract wealth on the internet (they don’t teach you this in school…and you more than likely didn’t get this from your parents!)
• 6 types of “internet wealth killers” you have to stay away from if you want to have ANY hopes of making at least N450,000 monthly online
• The secret 8-step formula that will automatically create a N450,000 Per Month Info-Business for yourself (this will straighten out your thinking faster than you’ve ever thought possible!)
• Installation of the ebook Creation Software that creates an ebook for you which PREVENTS copying or theft + How to create a cash-sucking ebook at the click of a button!
• How to Design a professional looking website of your own and start marketing your products on it.
• 2 Best Online Traffic/Advertising Methods and the 5 Tools needed to use each method.
• And much more

Get full details about the “Internet Wealth Secrets Package”  Now!

I’ll continue next week with the Part 2 of the 10 reasons I’ve observed Why Some People Have Better “Money Luck” Making Money Online and How You Can CREATE Your Own LUCK
Once again, do you have changes you’ve made in your life that you feel have improved your money luck? Or you have some comments about this article; please share them with our readers in the comments box below.

Okafor Obinna
Your Prodigious Business Coach
08105959318 – Calls are strictly from 9am – 4pm Mondays – Fridays!
SMS – 24/7


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